Thickener and Clear Preparation System

Textile Printing

Excellent reproducibility

Fast and accurate dispense

Thickener and Clear Preparation System
header TCPS
Thickener and Clear Preparation System header TCPS

Vanwyk’s Thickener and Clear Preparation System will prepare your thickener or clear in under 20 minutes.

This fully automatic PLC controlled unit will give fast, accurate and reproducible results batch after batch!


  • Easy integration with DCD / UCD
  • Easy to operate
  • Low and easy maintenance
  • Just-in-time preparation


  • Additional mixing element for viscosities up to 45000 cP
  • Automatic volumetric dispensing unit to dispense binders, white spirit, water and other liquid additives
  • Automatic Injectomat for thickening powder dispensing
  • Heavy duty Vanwyk thickener transportpump
  • Fine pressfilters after the pump, easy to clean and flexible


The Preparation system fills the tank with water and liquid chemicals through a flowmeter. Thickening powder can be added through a Vanwyk Injectomat.


The unit can function as a standalone preparation system or as a completely integrated automatic unit with special thickener transportpump, filtering units and valve manifolds for supply and distribution.


The combination of fast liquid dispense, heavy-duty emulsifier and Injectomat guarantees a batch every 20 minutes.


Tanks1 x 500 kg, 2 x 500 kg,
1 x 1000 kg or 2 x 1000 kg
Number of tanksUp to 4 tanks
Max. Viscosity:20000 cP
Emulsifier1500 or 300 rpm